Experimental Research on Pneumatic Torque of Adjustable Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane 可调涡轮喷嘴导流叶片气动转矩的试验研究
This machine makes damp granule into beautiful pellet by setting rotating centrifugal disk, blower, and pneumatic nozzle. 本机是通过设置旋转离心盘、鼓风机、气动喷枪,将湿颗粒制成美丽的球丸。
The vehicle variable geometry turbocharger ( VGT) with pneumatic and symmetric nozzle ring vane was researched. 对应用气动型与对称型喷嘴环叶片的车用可变几何涡轮增压器进行了研究。
Based on the consideration of nozzle ring pneumatic torque transmission, the torque of pneumatic force acting upon nozzle guide vane was acquired by calculation. 在考虑了喷嘴环气动转矩的传递过程后,通过换算,求出了气动力作用在喷嘴导流叶片转轴上的转矩。
Experiment and Analysis on Line and Surface Tactile Display Based on Pneumatic Nozzle 基于气动喷嘴的线面触觉再现分析与实验
A kind of pneumatic and automatic separator of needle valve and nozzle body based on pneumatic sensor and MCU which is used for data processing and controlling is described. 描述了一种基于气动传感器以单片机进行数据处理和控制的喷油嘴偶件针阀和针阀体自动系统,并介绍了该系统的工作原理及软硬件组成。
In view of the line and surface tactility displayed by the pneumatic nozzle array, a fluid-structure coupled finite element model of the finger skin and nozzle was established. 针对气动喷嘴阵列喷气再现线面触觉问题,建立手指皮肤和喷嘴的流固耦合有限元模型。
Application of new style vortex type pneumatic jet nozzle 新型旋流式气动喷嘴的应用
Simulation and experiment results show that the pneumatic actuator has advantages of low consumption of air and high reliability, can satisfy the demand for variable nozzle actuating mechanism of variable geometry turbocharger used in automobiles. 仿真和台架测试结果表明,该气动执行机构具有耗气量小、可靠性高的优点,能够满足车用发动机对变几何涡轮增压器可调喷嘴执行机构的要求。
The feature of new style vortex type pneumatic jet nozzle is mentioned, and compared it with existing internal mixing type pneumatic nozzles in domestic and abroad. The advantage of that jet nozzle is affirmed from two fields of theoretic analysis and actual application. 阐述了新型旋流式气动喷嘴的特点,并与国内外现有的内混式气动喷嘴进行了比较,并从理论分析和实际应用两方面肯定了该种喷嘴的优越性能。
The mass transfer of H_2O-NH_3-air system in an experimental spray column(φ 400 × 3000) is studied with a pneumatic nozzle atomizer. 在直径为0.4m、高3m的实验塔中,采用NH3-H2O系统,以外混二流式喷嘴作雾化器,研究喷雾塔内的传质(?)
Pneumatic Actuating Mechanism for Variable Nozzle of VGT Based on PWM 基于PWM方式的变几何涡轮增压器可调喷嘴气动执行机构
Changing nozzle width and split type, experiments are done to research their influence on pneumatic efflux element switching performance. the efflux element can realize switching easily when its nozzle width is small and its split is hollow. 改变气动射流元件喷嘴宽度、劈型进行试验,研究其对射流切换性能的影响,结果是喷嘴宽度较小的凹劈元件易实现射流切换。
A hot nitrogen pneumatic conveyance system for bottle-grade PET chips with duplex nitrogen supply using compressed nitrogen from public gas network as standby gas supply and a nitrogen conveyance control unit combining pressure regulating valves, pneumatic valves and laval nozzle was introduced. 介绍了以公共气网的压缩氮气为备用气路,采用由调压阀门、拉伐尔喷嘴组成的输送气控制组合件和双路供气的瓶级聚酯切片热氮气力输送系统。
Analysis of kinematic property of particles in pneumatic sand blasting nozzle 气动喷砂喷嘴内颗粒运动特性分析
Study of Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying Mechanism& Application Study Adjustable Throat Area Laval Nozzle 密相气力输送机理研究及可调拉伐尔管应用研究
An Investigation of Force Measurement for Pneumatic Vectoring Exhaust Nozzle 气动矢量喷管测力技术研究
Marine Fog Hybrid Library Hybrid Binders The mixing of two phases and the influence of drop size on mass transfer were studied in a spray column with pneumatic nozzle. 本文研究了喷雾塔内的两相混合及雾粒粒径对传质行为的影响。
The Research on Application of Pneumatic Circuit about the Control of High Pressure Nozzle 关于气动回路在高压喷嘴控制中应用的研究
Experimental investigation and design of internal mixing pneumatic nozzle for heavy fuel oil 内混式气动雾化燃料油喷嘴的设计与试验研究
Study on Pneumatic Measuring Method of Coupled Pair in Oil Nozzle of Engines 发动机喷油嘴偶件气动测量方法研究
( Pneumatic ejector) Investigation on Lobed Nozzle Mixer-Ejector Infrared Suppressor for Helicopter Exhaust System 直升机排气系统用波瓣喷管引射-混合式红外抑制器研究圆排波瓣圆柱混合管的气动特性实验研究
In this paper, the influence of air flow to the process of pneumatic conveying is researched, air flow control of pneumatic conveying is analysed and adjustable laval nozzle is designed and simulated based on the mechanism of pneumatic conveying. 本文以气力输送机理出发,研究了供气量对输送过程的影响,对气力输送气量控制进行了分析,设计了可调式LAVAL管,并进行了相关计算和模拟。